Monday, June 27, 2016

Subjective critique of Portrait of Lydia Delectorskaya

Subjective critique of Portrait of Lydia Delectorskaya

        This painting is an original by Henri Matisse. I have never studied anything about the artist or this specific work of art before I found it through a Google search.
        I find this piece ugly because it's lack of character and definition. The hair just looks like a giant green blob that was tossed onto her head. She has a plain robot-like gaze that doesn't give her any character. Maybe like she is in a trance-like state. It looks like she's wearing business attire, so that could be hinting that she was working, therefore, being focused.
        I feel like the overall colors of the piece don't make sense. During my research, I found out that Lydia Delectorskaya is a Russian woman. She has blonde hair and blue eyes, not green hair and black eyes. The colors are kind of randomly placed. I don't see any meaning behind the colors, except that the two colors on her face, could mix to create her hair color. That's what I see from the colors, but there could be a deeper reason.

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