Sunday, August 7, 2016

Final recreation

Overall, the creation process for this recreation went very well! it only took me about 5 days total to finish. The thing that took me the longest was the outline because I wanted to make sure to get it as close as possible to my reference photos. I was very nervous to do the hair because I had never drawn curly hair before. I think it turned out pretty well for my first attempt, and being an unnatural color on top of that. Something I had to change was the outline of the facial features because it ended up being crooked the first time I did it. One of the most challenging things for me were my tools. I had to search for a wide arrange of greens and blues for this piece, and on top of that, my pencils aren't the best quality anyway. I have learned from this piece that I really enjoy working with colored pencils, and am going to save up for better ones. Something I would do differently is the suit. its not my favorite, and to be honest, I rushed through it. All in all, I love the
way it turned out!
I am really happy with the way my recreation turned out. I love the details in mine, where it was lacking in the original. Her hair looks so much more defined, rather than a big blob, and  feel that the color contrast was executed better, rather than so harsh. 

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